Joel Polowin
2013-09-25 16:55:05 UTC
I've enjoyed listening to Arlo Guthrie's "Ring-Around-A-Rosy
Rag" for a long time; it's upbeat and catchy. But I've never
been able to figure out what it's really *about*. (Not the
nursery rhyme, which according to incorrect folklore refers
to the Black Death; Guthrie's unrelated song. "Ring around,
ring around Rose / Touch your nose and blow your toes /
And mind after doin' the Ring-Around-A-Rosy-Rag.") Can
anyone here help?
Rag" for a long time; it's upbeat and catchy. But I've never
been able to figure out what it's really *about*. (Not the
nursery rhyme, which according to incorrect folklore refers
to the Black Death; Guthrie's unrelated song. "Ring around,
ring around Rose / Touch your nose and blow your toes /
And mind after doin' the Ring-Around-A-Rosy-Rag.") Can
anyone here help?